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glock 19 grip extension

Glock 19 Grip Extension - Garrison Grip .75" Grip extension fits Glock 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 31 32 34 35 37 38 Garrison Grip

Our grip extensions are designed to fit almost any hand size. Extensions provide convenience and control, along with opportunities and responsibilities for greater precision. The general idea of ​​making a pistol is great, however it seems that on most pistols the grip is so short that after twenty shots the hand oscillates between the thumb and the master. The hand may begin to bleed from. kicking the ball. Lack of control. If it's not enough, it's almost impossible to be accurate with so little control, so when do you really need to use it to defend yourself, miss the target and accidentally hit? These are the things that motivate us to start designing and producing longer extensions. The Garrison Grip will not automatically make you more accurate, any more than sleeping in your garage will make you a Mercedes Benz. We all need proper training and practice often. Safe, no regrets. Get the Garrison Grip today.

Glock 19 Grip Extension

Glock 19 Grip Extension

Garrison Grip Garrison Grip .75" Grip extension fits Glock 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 31 32 34 35 37 38

Pearce Pg 2733 +1 Magazine Extension Glock 27 33

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